Sunday, April 8, 2012

5 drizzly miles around Keswick

On Wednesday, the conditions in the Lake District were perfect for a trail run.  Have a look at the run I did here.  Today, the conditions were not so perfect.  Drizzle and more drizzle meant that the ground was very wet and the scenery looked much like this:

and this:

The weather also caused some problems for my running buddy Jonathan:

So, after running for a few miles along the old railway path, rather than the planned route through the woods on dirt tracks, we elected to follow the road back to Keswick, which also goes through the woods.  The road is now closed to vehicles due to subsidence (it has a steep bank and has started to collapse in sections).  It was actually very nice to run on, gentle up and downs with a steeper downhill as we crossed the A66.

We ended up doing just over 5 miles, then headed to the Lakeland Peddlar for soya lattes and vegan chocolate cake.  Jonathan decided he liked the look of a bike upstairs until he realised it was £3k worth of bike.  Then we went to Up and Running where he got a pair of these:

I think he's still wearing them.

the stats.

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